Do I need to put a price on the execution of a skin analysis with Observ?

You don’t have to if you don’t want to. It all depends on the market you’re in and, of course, your own strategy. We are happy to share with you some strategies we see with our users:

  • Offer Observ skin visualisation/analysis as a paid service to your customers
  • Offer Observ skin visualisation/analysis as a paid service to your customers, but offer them a reduction as soon as they buy a product and/or treatment
  • Develop an acquisition treatment in which you incorporate the Observ skin visualisation/analysis.
  • Offer the Observ skin visualisation/analysis for free, as you will see the number of products and treatment sales increase
  • Offer the Observ skin visualisation/analysis for free, but increase the price of your products and/or treatments instead
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