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With skin analysis devices popping up rapidly, how should beauty experts navigate this relatively new technology and make it work for them?

Understanding measurable benefits while avoiding misunderstandings about skin analysis will make your consultations more successful. You’ll not only build trust while educating your customer but with Sylton’s Observ level of analysis, you can show them unmistakable results and the real-time improvements made.

After all, seeing is believing, and high-quality photo skin imaging benefits both practitioners and the client experience.

What requirements should your skin analysis device meet? Here’s what to look for, and how to explain top-of-the-line analysis to your customers.

1. Let’s Bust This Myth First:  Skin Analysis Is A Gimmick

Your customers are better at researching than ever. In the past year, more people spent time online reviewing before and after photos. They’re savvy about gimmicks and “too-good-to-be-true” claims, so you can expect to address well-founded questions during consultations.

Unfortunately, Skin analysis can be misunderstood and might seem unnecessary or unreliable. The truth is: significant skin information is impossible to gather with the naked eye, but revealed with next-generation devices like Observ 520x.

In effect, the ability to see “invisible” damage or understand hidden skin needs allows customised, optimal treatment. As a bonus, Observ also lets you see and show customers improvements that are made in the deeper layers of the skin.

Yes, it’s legit and the best devices dramatically improve business.  

2. Skin Analysis “Measuring” Versus “Revealing- What Is The Difference?

Observ 520x provides fast, high-resolution pictures, showing the overall skin appearance. Customers see for themselves what you discuss and will appreciate the need for treatment or a product routine. Skin problems made visible with advanced lighting and filtering techniques immediately show a clear, honest portrait of the skin. What you see is what you get.

However, measuring the number of pigmentation spots, wrinkles, or pores is subject to change depending on the time of day, season, location, age, and ethnicity. Rather than approach skin analysis as numbers and data, the more holistic view of Observ lets us understand the entire picture.

3. Can Skin Analysis Reveal Pigment Spots?

What a computer algorithm sees as a low pigment score, might present a problem for your customer regardless.  That’s because computers only calculate using data they’re programmed with, but Observ 520x records what the eye sees.

In certain “terrible” lighting, we’re  shocked by spots our skin, enlarged pores and imperfections.

Likewise, in a controlled, consistent way, the lighting and filtering power of expert skin analysis lets us see what’s really going on with our skin just like lifting a veil.

4. Is Measuring Ph, Moisture and Fat Value With Equipment, Reliable?

Acidity, moisture, and fat levels combine in a complex biological system that affects the skin barrier, how cells form, and surface.

Diseases like atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis, and acne disturb biological systems, so they cause abnormal readings on most skin analysis machines.

Signals from inside and disturbances outside change pH value, fat value and hydration levels. That means narrowing down a set of specific values for your customer’s skin isn’t realistic.

A skin analysis device should enhance your consultation. Along with expert knowledge, human touch, and adaptation to the individual it delivers best outcomes.

5. Why Take A Holistic Approach To Skin Analysis Rather Than Focus On A Small Subarea?

Treat only what needs to be treated, but first you must see the surrounding framework and contributing factors.

Observ 520x makes skin characteristics  and the more global appearance of the skin more clearly visible overall which prevents you from treating issues that matter less, and ensures you won’t miss impactful ones.

Some problems stem from decades of dehydration, loss of collagen, and more. Other issues develop quickly because of short-term factors.

Therefore, view the big picture, and what a realistic timeline for results will be.

6. Why Can You See Product Results Better With Photographic Skin Analysis Instead Of Measuring Equipment?

Observ 520x makes use of instinctive sensitivity. A measuring device does not have perception ability for people’s unique needs and concerns that Observ allows. In partnership with you, enhanced vision, precision planning and clear results are possible.

7. What Makes Skin Analysis Images Valuable To The Skin Expert?

Observ 520x takes 8 pictures within 10 seconds, which are immediately useful during a skin consultation. The photos make everything you explain more clear and convincing.

The impact that images make is undeniable psychologically, and because the process is so fast, it’s a logical step with a massive payoff. Comparing before and after photos will make even subtle improvements quite visible, so clients are confident in the effectiveness of a treatment or product routine.

Seeing is believing.

8. Is A High-Quality Skin Analysis Device Difficult To Operate?

A skin analysis device should quickly provide information you can act on. It’s also essential to understand your device so that you maximize it’s use and feel confident incorporating the technology into your services.

Observ 520x works with an iPad and an app. The app is intuitive and Sylton ensures everyone receives training to familiarize and work with the device right away.

9. What Requirements Should A Good Skin Analysis Device Meet?

We’ve made it easy for you to fill out our ROI calculator here.

Quality between devices varies like cost, so researching ROI of machines will determine your ultimate satisfaction.

Observ 520x was designed and developed in the Netherlands by Innofaith beauty sciences and meets incredibly high standards set in this emerging market. We’ve focused on high-end cosmetic equipment for more than 20 years. We‘d love to tell you more! Click the link, and find out what Observ can do for your business!

What does holistic health have to do with gorgeous skin? Far more than many people think. Beauty experts are tasked with teaching and guiding their customers not just toward beneficial products, but to lifestyles and daily skincare that reveal truly healthy complexions.

Basic, healthy skincare is simple, so beneficial practices can be overlooked. Beauty professionals provide a comprehensive consultation process with Observ skin analysis to look into deep skin layers and create personalised treatment plans. Get in touch with our dealer to discover which Observ system suits you the best.

We’ve gathered 6 of our favourite healthy skin practices that can keep the body’s biggest elimination organ supple and soft. Combined with precision skin analysis tools, you can provide guidance to empower customers with knowledge, images of results, and lasting radiance that’s easy to maintain.

Sunscreen Is Recommended Every Single Day

When advising customers about healthy skin maintenance, you know that prevention is key. However, even when the sky is overcast and we’re spending more time indoors, sun and blue light protection is critical. In fact, we’ll dedicate an entire blog post just to this topic!

Your skin is exposed to the sun’s rays through windows, and during time outside no matter the weather. We recommend applying a daily moisturiser with SPF30+ to the face, neck, back of hands and chest.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized

Hydrated skin looks and feels healthy. Some who struggle with oily skin or acne mistakenly believe they should skip moisturizers. You can let them know it’s all about balance and choosing the right products for resilient skin.

The best time to apply body moisturiser is after a bath or shower when the skin is damp and hydrating nutrients are better absorbed.

Get Enough Sleep, Best Is To Sleep On A Silk Or Satin Pillowcase

Do your customers realise that sleep deprivation may take a toll on their skin health? You can demonstrate dehydration and skin damage not seen by the naked eye using Observ skin analysis tools during your consultation.

We recommend avoiding puffiness, dark circles, wrinkles, and skin dullness in a few simple ways.

Healthy Eating Means Healthy Skin

Let your customers know that avoiding sugar and processed foods can help clear up and brighten their complexion. Refined and fried foods are not ideal for health and wellness, but because the skin is an elimination organ, we often see signs of toxin purging and poor nutritional intake here first.

Omega fatty acids produce moisturizing lipids, vitamins act as antioxidants, and new research ties healthy gut microbiomes to skin health as well.

Stay Hydrated

Most people could benefit from drinking more pure water, but their skin will benefit too. Drinking more water is excellent for your whole system, and it’s great for your skin.

Besides flushing your organs with adequate hydration intake and applying quality moisturizer, a humidifier in the home throughout the drier months can help maintain comfortable moisture levels.

Stimulate Blood Flow

Exfoliation, dry brushing, and lymphatic massage are DIY practices everyone can do at home and they cost nothing.

Sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy habits like smoking are known to decrease circulation to the skin. As well, our skin cells turn over more slowly as we age. Dullness, dark spots, and fine lines can be improved along with the appearance of cellulite using a dry brush and massage technique at home.

You can show your customers their skin layers through advanced analysis and imaging, then direct them to beneficial exfoliation products and techniques they can use every day to boost their radiance.

Can Easy At-Home Practices Improve Skin Health?

Your customers have more power than they think to maintain beautiful skin. Reputable aesthetic experts are positioned to teach the importance of skin health, while they provide transformative repair and improvements.

That’s why skincare and beauty professionals set themselves apart through in-depth, informative consultations utilizing Observ. We’ve designed this state-of-the-art system to show customers what words alone can’t describe. There’s no match for before and after results that clearly demonstrate improvements, and Observ practitioners amaze and delight their customers consistently.

See what next-level analysis and imaging can do for your teaching, your reputation, and your business.

Contact a Sylton dealer to find out what Observ type suits you the best.

What does holistic health have to do with gorgeous skin? Far more than many people think. Beauty experts are tasked with teaching and guiding their customers not just toward beneficial products, but to lifestyles and daily skincare that reveal truly healthy complexions.

Basic, healthy skincare is simple, so beneficial practices can be overlooked. Beauty professionals provide a comprehensive consultation process with Observ skin analysis to look into deep skin layers and create personalised treatment plans. Get in touch with our dealer to discover which Observ system suits you the best.

We’ve gathered 6 of our favourite healthy skin practices that can keep the body’s biggest elimination organ supple and soft. Combined with precision skin analysis tools, you can provide guidance to empower customers with knowledge, images of results, and lasting radiance that’s easy to maintain.

Sunscreen Is Recommended Every Single Day

When advising customers about healthy skin maintenance, you know that prevention is key. However, even when the sky is overcast and we’re spending more time indoors, sun and blue light protection is critical. In fact, we’ll dedicate an entire blog post just to this topic!

Your skin is exposed to the sun’s rays through windows, and during time outside no matter the weather. We recommend applying a daily moisturiser with SPF30+ to the face, neck, back of hands and chest.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized

Hydrated skin looks and feels healthy. Some who struggle with oily skin or acne mistakenly believe they should skip moisturizers. You can let them know it’s all about balance and choosing the right products for resilient skin.

The best time to apply body moisturiser is after a bath or shower when the skin is damp and hydrating nutrients are better absorbed.

Get Enough Sleep, Best Is To Sleep On A Silk Or Satin Pillowcase

Do your customers realise that sleep deprivation may take a toll on their skin health? You can demonstrate dehydration and skin damage not seen by the naked eye using Observ skin analysis tools during your consultation.

We recommend avoiding puffiness, dark circles, wrinkles, and skin dullness in a few simple ways.

Healthy Eating Means Healthy Skin

Let your customers know that avoiding sugar and processed foods can help clear up and brighten their complexion. Refined and fried foods are not ideal for health and wellness, but because the skin is an elimination organ, we often see signs of toxin purging and poor nutritional intake here first.

Omega fatty acids produce moisturizing lipids, vitamins act as antioxidants, and new research ties healthy gut microbiomes to skin health as well.

Stay Hydrated

Most people could benefit from drinking more pure water, but their skin will benefit too. Drinking more water is excellent for your whole system, and it’s great for your skin.

Besides flushing your organs with adequate hydration intake and applying quality moisturizer, a humidifier in the home throughout the drier months can help maintain comfortable moisture levels.

Stimulate Blood Flow

Exfoliation, dry brushing, and lymphatic massage are DIY practices everyone can do at home and they cost nothing.

Sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy habits like smoking are known to decrease circulation to the skin. As well, our skin cells turn over more slowly as we age. Dullness, dark spots, and fine lines can be improved along with the appearance of cellulite using a dry brush and massage technique at home.

You can show your customers their skin layers through advanced analysis and imaging, then direct them to beneficial exfoliation products and techniques they can use every day to boost their radiance.

Can Easy At-Home Practices Improve Skin Health?

Your customers have more power than they think to maintain beautiful skin. Reputable aesthetic experts are positioned to teach the importance of skin health, while they provide transformative repair and improvements.

That’s why skincare and beauty professionals set themselves apart through in-depth, informative consultations utilizing Observ. We’ve designed this state-of-the-art system to show customers what words alone can’t describe. There’s no match for before and after results that clearly demonstrate improvements, and Observ practitioners amaze and delight their customers consistently.

See what next-level analysis and imaging can do for your teaching, your reputation, and your business.

Contact a Sylton dealer to find out what Observ type suits you the best.

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